Well, hope you've enjoyed this little photo-stop through the U.S. By the way, if you would like some information about places
to visit, or stay, such as one of our favorite week end spots - The Captain Whidby Inn on Whidby Island, north of Seattle
in the Puget Sound (photo below)- let me know. Just couldn't help but include one more lighthouse! Also, I'll be adding more
pages in days to come. But, if you already see something you would like to have enlarged, contact me for the following sizes:
8" x 10".......... $12.00 (U.S.$) each 11" x 14".......... 50.00 "
16" x 20".......... 65.00 " Satisfaction Guaranteed! *Don't forget
to check additional albums via the links at the bottom of this page!

Alfred Hitchcock always found a way to include a brief, cameo shot of himself in his movies, so I took the liberty of doing
the same....don't expect to ask for an enlargement, so no number is provided!

Whidby Lighthouse,No. 011