Just to show you that I don't always stay around the waterfront, here are some photos from somewhat more remote areas of the
Southwest. The Salt River Canyon drive from Show Low to Phoenix, AZ, via Fort Apache, is best seen on horseback! (Not too
many tourist on this route!) La Mesilla, just south of Las Cruces, NM, is the original capital of the state and you'll find
great, authentic Mexican food here. Virginia City, outside Reno, is about as western as they come; stop in and ask for "Little
Joe Cartwright", or "Hoss" from the "Ponderosa", or stop in for a cold one at the "Blood Saloon"!
As the final scene shows, believe it or not, there are some green (verde) things out there! Sorry, no Grand Canyon scenes
-only flown over it so far! Enlargements of these photos look great! Well, you probably will not want a graveyard
hanging in your living room, nor a signpost, in the middle of nowhere, adorning your bedroom, but try the others!

Salt River Canyon, No. 014

Old Church, Virginia City, No. 26

Gate, La Mesilla, No. 011

"Boot Hill" Virginia City

Salt River Canyon, No. 2-019

Sign, Las Cruces No. 015