Our business philosophy is expressed by our company name and logo - Creative Packaging Incorporated, with a "triquetra"
(geometric symbol, and a Latin word, meaning "three cornered" that has been used to refer to the Christian Trinity:
Father, Son and Spirit. The symbol is comprised of three interwoven arcs, distinct, yet equal and inseparable, i.e., the Godhead
is three distinct yet equal Persons and indivisibly One God). We are "creative" because we serve The Creator, who
brought all things into being and "upholds all things by the Word of His power."
For the past 30 years, we have travelled throughout North American, the U.K., Western Europe and South
Africa, and we believe that we bring to our clients the most cost-efficient packaging systems available for their respective
CREATIVE PACKAGING INCORPORATED welcomes you to our website, and we encourage you to look around for more specific information
about the semi and fully automatic bagging systems we provide. Thanks for your interest! To continue, just click on the respective
subject at the top right of the page.
CREATIVE PACKAGING INC. 311 West Brow Rd. Lookout Mountain, TN (US) 37350
423-825-5311(from outside N.A. add 001) Fax: 423-825-5312 Email: fschumpert@yahoo.com